Smoothies are excellent for a post – run recovery. It is essential to not only hydrate your body after any run specially if it is a 60minute run or longer, but also to give your body protein, nutrients, minerals, vitamins, etc. to repair itself.

This smoothie is a great treat for any runner to enjoy after a run, basically a Double Joy experience!

This smoothie contains great ingredients:

Protein is essential for muscle recovery. The Mocha Cold Brew Coffee Almond Milk is low on fat, sugar sodium and calories since using a small amount. It is a great source of Calcium, iron and Potassium. Fresh orange juice not only adds a little tartness the taste but it is also a great source of vitamin C and Potassium. Coconut water contains electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium. Electrolytes help to maintain proper fluid balance. In your body Coconut water is good for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise. Cinnamon not only adds a great flavor but it has great amounts of powerful antioxidants which slow down the aging process, but most important it strengthens the immune system, protects the body from viruses and harmful bacteria. Last but not least this smoothie it is lactose Free!

So many runners buy smoothies that contain processed chocolate and they are made with lots of sugar, corn syrup and artificial sweeteners which can be so detrimental to your health.

This Smoothie is a perfect pick me up after any run. So go ahead and try it !

Be strong – Stay Healthy / Be Great and Never Quit!  Tony@tsvipe


Pro Runners TSVIPE Mocha Coffee Smoothie Recipe

4 -6 oz Protein Powder your choice

 “I recommend GNC- AMP Wheybolic Alpha( Advance Muscle Performance)”

 * Always consult your doctor before you take any protein or vitamin supplements

1/4 cup – Mocha Cold Brew Coffee Almond Milk

*You can buy the Cold Brew Coffee and Almond Milk Separately

                (1/8 Cold Brew Coffee + 1/8 Almond Milk)

1/8 cup – Fresh Orange Juice No Pulp

1 cup Filtered water

½ cup 100% Coconut water

1 tsp Cinnamon powder (½ tsp in blender, ½ tsp as topping)

1 cup Crushed ice


1 – Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth

2 – If its too thick add water or coconut water. If it is too runny add more ice.

*don’t forget to top your smoothie with ½ tsp Cinnamon

Check out my YouTube video where I prepare a delicious TSVIPE Smoothie